In Marlowe we trust. I never said that much the motto of Castle Fandom as this season. And, look, I have been heard by our creative genius who can do a fantastic episode with the same boring Alexis Castle being in the spotlight.
This episode came to show that is not all lost when it comes to Alexis and to establish my point that she is much better, more mature, intelligent and bearable when she's without hers fruitarian close. - Call Olivia Dunham, we have a Fringe category case of a pseudo human being that sucks the intelligence out of their girlfriends.-
Although, I must emphasize, she had moments that annoyed me and all that I wanted was to fly in the neck of Little Castle "I'm not asking permission" was, for example, one of them. She still stresses me and need to learn to grow, but in this episode she showed that if she wishes, she can do it. No, I'm still not convinced, but it's what I hope.
The episode came, too, to strengthen, establish and reaffirm family ties. Came to show that, in Castle, Family comes first, as strange as it may this family seems. Came to show, sometimes, that a murder and a near death of an innocent person can be enough to reunite this unorthodox family. This family who came up in the most strange way and continues today. The Family Castle NYPD.
Alexis says and strongly believes in Frank and does everything to prove his innocence. Anyone else with "The Final Nail" feelings, there? Although Alexis was more certain than Castle in that episode. Even Castle not quite believing in the innocence of the subject, he goes deep. He goes for his daughter. Because a father would do anything for his daughter, right? Still angry, Alexis asks her father for help. She recognizes that she will not achieve anything alone and that's a good sign. She is leaving all that pride behind and showing that, although she has grown and left home, she still needs her father and his comforting hugs. Now, I can say that Alexis is growing up.

And if you allow me one more parallel, I've remembered "The Headhunters." When Alexis was asking her father for help, it remembered me when Castle goes ask Beckett for help because Slaughter was acting wrong and Rick had a fight with Kate. Well the ... Like father, Like Daughter too. This episode name was really worthy. Though Little Castle is different from her father in many ways, at that point they really resemble. The quest for justice and fighting for what is right.
I must say that I started this shocked with the fact Alexis has looked for Ryan and Esposito before Beckett and Lanie. This has only reinforced my idea that things would be problematic and Beckett felt the same. She felt left out and it bothered her, you and me, reader, I know. But, let's trust a little Castle a little bit and wait until the end of the episode.
I Do not think I can be a Fangirl in this review. It doesn't requires outbreaks, but heart. This episode is one of those that requires your heart and your feelings. Broadly.
He needs you to feel an agonized Beckett. Yes, agonized. Not knowing what is wrong with Alexis, for being away and wanting to help and can't. For wanting to see Castle get along with his daughter and afraid that she might be the reason for the fight. An agonized Beckett, because she knows what she wants and she wants to get things right. "She's practically family, Castle. I worry about her too. "
We need you to feel Castle wanting his daughter back. Castle not wanting to disappoint her. Wanting to get things back the way they were. Wanting to fix some mistakes, that are not just his, although Alexis prefers to believe they are.
We need you to feel the advance of Caskett's relationship. With all its distances, obstacles and imperfect families. The Caskett relationship which asks for a "wedding in space", even Beckett stating that this is not quite what she had imagined "Because when I was a little girl, imagining my wedding day, being stuck in a small tin with tons of rocket fuel strapped to my ass was exactly what I had in mind". The Caskett relationship that knows that Kate is there for him and his daughter, after all, they are now one imperfect family. It takes you to feel that Castle knows that she is an amazing woman, she believes that Alexis is practically family and she will help him in an investigation even if it is outside her jurisdiction.
Lanie was, as always, the voice of the Fandom and gave that shake in Beckett as she does all seasons. She needed. So I wish more scenes of them, more Lanie, more advice, more wise words and Esplanie please, I'm to needy! "It's up to you to make your own history."
We need to see that final hug as a new beginning. A new beginning in the relationship of Alexis and Kate. It was a giant step for Alexis, for the couple, for Kate, for Castle and, why not say, for the series. A face expression of Castle already tells us everything. The two most important women in his life get along. All's ok when ends ok.
Things, hence forward, walk together. The series is becoming increasingly familiar, without losing the comic tone, the footprint of the cases and not forgetting any point .. Now things are fine, everyone is fine. But in "Castle", how long more to a bomb come up and terrorize someone? Count up to 47 and take a deep breath, because this sixth season is still just beginning.
PS1: I do not support marriage in space. Sorry Castle.
PS2: Miss Martha.
PS3: Where Beckett appeared my screen glowed (I would never leave my love for Stana go blank!)
PS4: "Anytime" because "Always" is exclusive to Beckett.
PS5: Castle's at the end made me want to have a Fangirl attack on him by one of the few in this life that did it.
PS6: Let's ignore the fact that Rick and Alexis walking around with official documents of a murder investigation whose sentence was death, being outside the jurisdiction of the NYPD.
PS7: Fans of Alexis, get the curse out my future generations.
PS8: Becks' hair style referring me season 3. Sooo Pretty!